Although women have longer life expectancy than men, there are a number of health and social factors that combine to make their quality of life lower, because they face more risks as a result of inequalities and discrimination. It is a situation that is jeopardizing women's health around the world, but is not being addressed with the urgency it deserves.
One in three women has suffered or may suffer physical or sexual assault at some point in their lives. Every day, more than 800 die worldwide from preventable causes related to pregnancy or childbirth, some 300,000 a year. More than 60 percent of HIV-infected adults in sub-Saharan Africa are women. Genital mutilation puts the health of thousands of them at risk in 30 countries.
Moreover, 70 percent of the world's health care workers are women. In the private sphere, care systematically falls to women. So women care more, but receive less care and make fewer healthcare decisions.
If it were a virus, we would be at stage 6 alert and it would have pandemic dimensions. If it were a virus, it could be called the EVA Virus.
This project brings to light cases that exemplify how the additional social difficulties women face harm their health: lower salaries and pensions that prevent them from eating properly or taking the medicines they need; violence that leaves physical and mental sequelae; harmful cultural practices, such as forced marriages; lack of research and poor identification of the symptoms of diseases that especially affect women.
EVA Virus, a social disease that affects women because they are women.
Documentary as part of a petition to the World Health Organization (WHO) to include the ‘EVA Virus’ as a global health problem of epidemic proportions: a social disease that affects women because they are women.

Technical Data Original title: Médicos del Mundo. Virus EVA
Country of Production: Spain
Production Year: 2019
Length: 4:00
Genre: Documentary
Screen: 1:1
Color: Color
Sound Format: Stereo
Shooting Place: Madrid
Original Language: French & Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Country of Production: Spain
Production Year: 2019
Length: 4:00
Genre: Documentary
Screen: 1:1
Color: Color
Sound Format: Stereo
Shooting Place: Madrid
Original Language: French & Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Awards & Grants
Cannes lions | Shorlist – Health & Wellness Category
CdeC | Craft Category. Direction of Photography