Clad in dark sweatshirts, journalists Nacho Carretero and Arturo Lezcano run through the port of their native A Coruña, recreating a police escape; they sneak onto the train tracks; they pose with a mysterious attitude next to a car...This cinematographic photo shoot is inspired by the report on organized crime on the Costa del Sol that these two colleagues, and friends for 20 years, recently wrote. A work published in EL PAÍS: The story tells of Camorra gangsters, criminals and drug traffickers from all over the planet who summer at their leisure in the luxurious and irreverent Marbella.

Technical Data Original title: El País Semanal. Rodaje de una amistad
Shooting Place: Galicia. Spain
Magazine Nº: 2.353
Talents: Nacho Carretero, Arturo Lezcano
Production Co: The Kids Are Right
Text Editor: Sara Cuesta
Shot on: Digital
Color: Color
Genre: Documentary